Full Representation – Postal (Standard) Service or Super Priority Service

The Full Representation Service is the most comprehensive service that we can offer. It can be either postal (standard service), priority or super priority service. The postal or standard service involves submitting an application using standard service. The processing time for standard service depends on the type of application. The Priority or Super Priority service is the service where an application is decided within 5 working days or 24 hours respectively.

Benefits of Full Representation Service:-

  1. Having an experienced consultant to manage the application process from start to finish.

  2. Personalised assessment of the applicant’s circumstances to determine the eligibility of the visa requirement in line with the current immigration rules.

  3. Advise on the documentary evidence in support of the application and the acceptable formats of these documents.

  4. Proving templates of any letters required for the application which has been approved in thousands of cases.

  5. Review of documents and providing feedback of each of the documents submitted.

  6. Identify any weaknesses, challenges or issues with the application and advising on how to chances of success.

  7. Advising on any alternative documents that can be supported in case the main documents are not obtainable.

  8. Unlimited consultations with your dedicated and experienced consultant.

  9. Filling out the visa application form relevant to you.

  10. Submission of visa application.

  11. Drafting the letter of representation detailing your circumstances and how you meet the requirement in line with the current immigration rules.

  12. Scanning and uploading all the documents required for the application (onshore application).

  13. Booking an appointment for biometric enrolment.

  14. Accompanying biometric enrolment appointment (if applicable).

  15. Liaising with the Home Office on behalf of the client until the application is decided.

  16. Application will be fully covered under our no-win, no-fee guarantee as we are fully in control of the whole process.

Why Visa Simple®?

Extensive Knowledge & Experience

Trusted by the Clients

Affordable & Cost-Effective Prices

Personalised Service

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Full Representation Service includes:

  • 01

    Full legal representation

  • 02

    Managed by a dedicated experienced consultant from start to finish

  • 03

    Liaising with the Home Office until the application is decided

  • 04

    Accompanying biometric enrolment appointment (if applicable)

  • 05

    Comprehensive document checklist & templates

  • 06

    Review of application & documents submitted for application

  • 07

    Identify any weaknesses / mistakes & advising how to rectify them

  • 08

    Discussing challenges / issues about your application

  • 09

    Advice how to improve chances of success

  • 10

    Application covered by ‘no win no fee’

  • 11

    Submission of application & letter of representation

  • 12

    Booking an appointment for biometric enrolment

  • 13

    Weekend/Evening consultation

  • 14

    Fast Track & emergency Service

  • 15

    Visa eligibility check

  • 16

    Unlimited consultations

  • 17

    Managing whole application process

  • 18

    Filling out visa application form

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